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Plumstead Manor

Sports & PE

Sports & PE


Department profile

Physical Education at Plumstead Manor School offers a broad and balanced curriculum with a growing extra curricular programme. All students are encouraged to challenge themselves in order to exceed expectations. In addition to this, students develop their understanding of health, fitness and the importance of an active healthy lifestyle which enables them to make informed choices about the activities they participate in outside of school and in the future.


 Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Our KS3 curriculum is both bold and ambitious as outlined by year group below:

Year 7 – Identity:  Our focus will be to offer a core range of skills, these include: - Prepare for and sustain vigorous activity with others - Plan basic actions and linked movements; practicing willingly to improve their quality of movement. - Respond safely to a given task individually, in pairs and in a team. - Observe performance and with guidance make comments about ways to improve. 

Year 7 Curriculum overview.

Year 7 Curriculum statement.

Year 7 Knowledge map.

Year 7 Knowledge organiser.

Year 8 – Confidence and Challenge: - Prepare for and recover from vigorous activity individually and with others:  - Plan sequences of linked movement for themselves and others, adapting some skills to answer the task set. - Work with intent alone, in pairs with larger groups: - Make more accurate judgements about their own and others’ performance suggesting actions for progress and improvement.

Year 8 Curriculum overview.

Year 8 Curriculum statement.

Year 8 Knowledge map.

Year 8 Knowledge organiser.

Year 9 – Team Building: Our focus will be to offer an inspiring programme of activities which are listed below:  - Prepare themselves and others for physical activity through a planned series of exercise. - Plan more complex sequences of movement; adapting and refining their skill for different challenges. - Work with purpose independently, in pairs and with various groupings. - Appreciate the strengths and weaknesses in their own and others’ performance and suggest strategies for improvement.

Year 9 Curriculum overview.

Year 9 Curriculum statement.

Year 9 Knowledge map.

Year 9 Knowledge organiser.


Key Stage 4 Curriculum

GCSE Sports Science

Develop and apply knowledge of sports-related activities. To explore contemporary issues in sport, different ways of being involved in the sports industry, and the impact of sport on wider society.

Year 10 Curriculum Content

Year 11 Curriculum Content

 Core PE

In Year 10, in addition to the GCSE PE offer, students are given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills further but having the option of participating in the Sports Leader Level 2 Award or the Dance Leaders Award. The Level 2 Award builds on the skills developed in the Young Leader Award. Students continue to develop their organization, motivation and communication skills but also focus on positive role models in sport, how to mentor others and how to use leadership in a variety of settings.

Our current Sports Leaders have successfully led Basketball tournaments, Bench Ball tournaments and fitness sessions for Primary aged students.

The Dance Leader Award allows our talented and enthusiastic dancers to develop their leadership skills further. Learners who participated in this qualification must demonstrate their ability to lead Dance activities with confidence and enthusiasm. 

For more information on the Sports Leader Level 2 Award or the Dance Leader Award please visit http://www.sportsleaders.org

In addition to the qualifications on offer, Year 10 students participate in fitness, games, Trampolining, Climbing, Canoeing, Athletics and Rounders.

In Year 11, students continue to develop their knowledge of an active healthy lifestyle and participate in a range of activities such as Health and Fitness, Trampolining, Games and Energy Fusion.

Extra Curricular

The PE department have a selection of activities that run during lunch times or after school. At present, activities on offer are Badminton, Basketball, Fitness, Cross Country,Yoga, Football, Netball and Trampolining. 

Alongside our clubs, the school participates in a number of trips and visits including: Ski Trip Italy 2019, air jump, Olympic park trip, GCSE student conference, England Vs Uganda netball, climbing at The Reach, fixtures in football, netball & athletics.  We also support national initiatives such as Sports Relief, National School Sports Week and are fortunate to have been able to host many professional athlete visits to the school.


Primary School Links

One of our PE team is also the Primary School Sports Coordinator for the area and helps to run a number of activities and inter-school tournaments.