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Plumstead Manor

EAL Department

EAL Department

*EAL is the abbreviation for English as an additional language and refers to pupils whose first language is not English and who may speak, read, write or understand another language.

 The EAL department offer support and teaching by a dedicated group of education professionals from a broad range of backgrounds with the necessary motivation, empathy and understanding to effectively support the teaching and learning of all EAL (English as an Additional Language/bilingual) learners.


 Pupils say ‘everyone is so caring and helpful’ and that the staff ‘helped me make friends.


Department Vision

Our aim is to provide a safe, supportive and aspirational environment which will enable EAL learners to be successful and flourish.


Our Location – Rooms A103 (teacher room), A108 & C105 (teaching rooms)

We are available before school, during break and lunch time, and after school. Our learners come to us for support with homework and classwork, to use our text books and computers, for help with practical issues, clubs and to make friends.

Whole class support/ Partnership Teaching

EAL staff work with mainstream teachers in class to raise the achievement of all learners, especially EAL learners. We work to introduce more interactive teaching methods and a wider range of teaching strategies for the benefit of all. Resources and materials are developed and shared between departments.

Individual support

We support EAL learners in class so they can continue to learn while they develop their command of the English language in context. Our team of EAL Teaching Assistants support beginners in their mother tongue.

EAL Literacy ClassLiteracy classes KS3 (Years 7-9) and KS5 (Year 12-13) Academic Literacy

We offer interactive literacy classes to EAL learners, selected by assessment, referral and request. In these classes we develop oracy and literacy skills, as well as exam preparation in different curriculum areas.


Induction Programme

Recent arrivals and pupils who are new to English participate in an induction programme developed to help them to adapt to living in the UK and our education system.

 Special EventsPlumstead Manor Because I'm a girl project

We organise the school’s celebration of special events, for example Black History 
Month and Refugee Week.

We celebrate the contributions of people from different cultures and backgrounds through displays, PowerPoint presentations, assemblies and competitions. We aim to develop the self-esteem of all our EAL and ethnic minority learners.


Polyglots Club has met weekly for more than 20 years. We enjoy practical and creative
activities in which Polyglots Clubpupils can share their knowledge, skills and perspectives of their different countries,
cultures and religions in a supportive environment and make friends!

EAL staff are available before school, during break, lunch and after school on a rotational basis to assist with homework and coursework.

Monitoring, assessment & dissemination of information

Are essential in working with EAL learners to ensure that appropriate tasks are set & that there is an
understanding of pupils’ prior learning & experiences.